Agent Z
Asisstant of Briar Cudgeon. Click here for more info: https://planetoffiction.tripod.com/agentz/
Agent Kagel
A MudMan soldier working for Briar Cudgeon in The Dawn of Change.  He went missing.  Click for the Dawn of Change:
Albus Dumbledore
Headmaster at Hogwarts.  Click for more info:
Alexander Taust
Mia Taust and Glytrez's father.  Former kind of Drez. Click for more info:
Leader of the witches, Kay's rival in the "Upper Land".  Click for more info:
Allegra's Witches
They once lured Allegra to their side and taught her everything they knew, now Allegra is the leader of them in Horror Halloween 2. Click for the story:
Almighty Tallest Purple
Ruler of Irk with Almighty Tallest Red.  Click for more info:
Almighty Tallest Red
Ruler of Irk with Almighty Tallest Purple.  Click for more info:
Amy Mizuno
Sailor Mercury. Click for more info:
Andrew Thomas
Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch teeam in the Marauder time period in Kiss From A Rose.  Father of Dean Thomas. Click for story:
Angeline Fowl
Mother of Artemis Fowl, wife of Artemis Fowl Senior.  Click for more information:
Autumn's babysiter, Calin's older sister.  She is 23 years old, with stylish hair fashions and clothing.  Has blonde hair.  Allowed her to go to the party.  Called Autumn up and told her Calin was in the hospital in Can't See The LightClick for story:
Arabella Figg
Dreamer of the Rose's Kiss.  Click for more info:
Artemis Fowl
Son of Angeline Fowl and Artemis Fowl Senior.  Click for more info:
Artemis Fowl Senior
Husband of Angeline Fowl and father of Artemis Fowl Junior.  Click for more info:
Artemis McConnell
Accused of being Voldemort's right hand and setting a dementor on Remus Lupin.  Click for more info:
Popular girl at school, befriends Calin.  Click for more info:
Autumn's Dad
Autumn's father.  Goes on business trips.  Left to go to Hawaii.  Gave Angela strict direction before he and Autumn's Mom left in Can't See The Light. Click for story.
Autumn's Mom
Autumn's mother.  Left to go to Hawaii.  Gave Angela strict directions before she and Autumn's father left.  Bought Autumn a new cellphone.  Didn't really listen to Autumn when she was talking to her in Can't See The Light.  Click for the story.