Artemis McConnell

Artemis McConnell

Remus and Artemis at the Yule Ball

Name: Artemis McConnell
Story: Kiss From A Rose
Age: 6-37 (in story)
Race: Human and Witch
School: Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Blue
Family: Christopher McConnell and Heather Davidson (deceased)
Foster Family: Phillip Edwards, Rachel Edwards, Rebecca Edwards (Muggles)
General Information: Artemis's parents were murdered when she was six years old and she was taken in a foster family.  When she was eleven years old, she was accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  At first, Remus Lupin was a bitter rival, Severus Snape eventually became her boyfriend, and Lily Evans, her best friend.  Narcissa Ross also didn't like her and Artemis was also friends with Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew.  In the seventh year, she and Remus fell in love while Severus left her.  But Severus became jealous, so he joined Voldemort so he could get her back.  However, while trying to get information out of Artemis, Voldemort brought a dementor that was trying to get Artemis.  Artemis moved out of the way and Remus was attacked instead.  Voldemort staged the incident to look as if Artemis was his right hand and she was accused of attacking Remus.  She spend nineteen years in Azkaban and escaped the same way Sirius did.  She met up with Remus and Sirius and she disguised herself as "Selene Lupin" when she went to Hogwarts with Remus.  Voldemort found her, so she had to leave Hogwarts eventually.  But, she didn't leave until the teachers in the castle left, and she met up with Remus, Sirius, and Severus to look for Voldemort and Narcissa Malfoy, who had been kidnapped.
Artemis had valubale information about the Rose.  When she, Remus, Sirius, and James first found out, it had been an accident.  But she knew exactly who the Rose belonged to and what it was.  Voldemort knew she knew, so he was after her.
Artemis was a superb chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and scored many points for the team.  She was also an excellent actress and singer.  She excelled at school and became and Animagus in her fourth year.  She became an orange and white cat. 
She also became a Marauder in the seventh year, and her code name was "Orrow".  She knew that Remus was a werewolf and that James, Sirius, and Peter were Animagi. 
More information will be posted.