Almighty Tallest Red


Red and Purple


Name: Almighty Tallest Red

Story: Where He's Vulnerable, Terror's Doom, and Promise of the Violet

Age: Older than any human alive, same age as Purple?

Race: Irken

Occupation: Ruler of Irk

Hair Color: What hair?

Eye Color: Let me guess, Red

Dream: I guess conquering all planets

Likes: LASERS, tall invaders, snacks, Ri, Kree, quick witted challengers

Dislikes: Smoke machines, idiots, GOROKENS

General Information:  In Where He's Vulnerable, Red meets Ri personally when they fly together in a vootrunner and defend against the attacking Gorokens.  He liked her quick wit.  Then, Purple decided what they should do with her, and announced that she should be executed.  However at the execution, he saved her.  He made a soldier for the Irken army and eventually, he fell in love with her. (More info will be added as the story continues)

In Terror's Doom, (when that part is added) he and Purple told Zim the truth that this mission was an accident and they didnt want him anymore.  However, after Zim conquered Earth, he sent a missile to Irk and blew up the planet.  (This story is NOT connected to any other story)

In Promise of the Violet, (he is not in the story as of 8/15 yet), he is held captive with Purple until Dib and Kree find them.

Red is very fond of Kree.  He likes her a lot, and treats her very kindly.

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