Alexander Taust


Name: Alexander Taust

Story:  Battle 2043

Age: 39 years old (when deceased)

Race: Human

Occupation: King of Drez

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Family: Mia Taust, Katherine Taust, Glytrez, Queen of Drez

Dream: To bring peace throughout Drez

General Information: After his wife, Katherine Taust died, a year later, he was abducted by the Drezens for human study.  The Queen of Drez fell in love with him and soon, he did too.  A year later, Glytrez was born.   He stayed with Mia and his Drezen family, arranging a nanny for Mia when he left for Drez.  He loved both his families dearly and he brought Mia a locked with the Drezen sign of peace engraved on it.  He believed deeply in peace while some of his people hated peace.  They wanted to assassinate him.   When he was 39 (Mia was 12, Glytrez was 8 in human years, 13 in Drezen years), they set fire to a town.  While his wife, the Queen of Drez died in the fire, he died as well.  Someone had placed a tape of someone screaming for help in a burning building and Alexander rushed inside to try to save the person who was stuck.  The building crumbled to the ground before he could come out.