Agent Z

 Name: Agent Z

Age: Older than any other human, maybe about 24 as a fairy.

Story: The Dawn of Change

Race: Fairy

Occupation: Right Hand of Briar Cudgeon

Former Occupation: LEP corporal

Hair Color: light brown

Eye Color: hazel

Family: Trouble Kelp

General Information: Who would of expected that the identity of the notorious Agent Z would be the cowardly Corporal Grub Kelp?  Well, Briar Cudgeon met Grub when he was looking for LEP agents to join him.  He talked to Grub, mostly about Trouble Kelp.  Grub had been a bit jealous towards his popular brother and Cudgeon turned that bit of envy into deep jealousy and that deep jealousy into pure hatred.  He went into deep training with Cudgeon, learning self-defense, Martial Arts, and expert marksmanship until the plan was ready.  He looked forward to facing Trouble in combat, and defeating him.


He has had several battles with Trouble, all of them which have been interrupted, thought Agent Z has always been close to winning them.


More Information soon to be added